The “List” feat. Lindsay Ell

The “List” feat. Lindsay Ell

So… The “List”

It’s fair to say that most of us who work in the entertainment industry have a “list.” It’s usually populated by people or groups of people who you dream to work with one day. Some people have long lists built up over a lifetime, some people have a list of people they’re a fan of, and some people (me) have a list of people that they see as supremely talented and unique.

My list is VERY short, I could list them (but won’t be) on one hand. On one of those fingers WAS Lindsay Ell, the outrageously talented female country artist and shredder of a guitar player.

About half way through February wouldn’t you know, Fender comes through. A two day session, four artists/groups with Lindsay Ell in the clean-up spot. I was hype (on the inside).

She came in with this freestyle, loop pedal, acoustic/electric masterpiece in the video below locked down. I ran the cables, put the mic in position, pushed a couple faders up, turned some nobs, and pressed record and this is what she did.

Afterward she came into the control room, sat down next to me, and we reviewed her performance. Being the perfectionist she is she claimed she could have stayed all afternoon and made it better and better!… Unreal.

While parting, she gave me a big hug and thanked me for doing my job so well. That, she didn’t have to do (and is never expected) BUT, that’s who she is. A class act and a leader for those to come. Thanks Lindsay. My job is a dream…

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The Magic Is Calling!

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